Wednesday, May 12, 2010

FACEBOOK Update 5.12.10

Ohhhh our beloved Facebook, always evolving...

So you know how the news feed gives us updates on all our friends, or "friends," status' latest movements on the website? Well, now new functions are being implemented for a more personal secretary-like feature, unread messages and "photo memories." Unread messages are being shown on the right column of the site to spark our memory that we have an unread message, since at the top, when you click the messages link you only see the top five messages of your inbox regardless of those five messages being read or unread. The "photo memory" is similar to the way "top news" works. Photos, recent or a year plus old, are being shown on the right column as well. Photos that have been recently tagged or commented by friends ("friends) whose page you often interact with.

"The messages dropdown on the homepage only shows the 5 most recent messages, making it easy to forget about a vital conversation if a flurry of announcements follows it. “Unread Messages” seeks to awaken these threads by displaying their subject line, sender’s name and profile picture, and a link to the message while users browse other parts of the site. It also makes the “Mark as Unread” button on the full screen of the inbox more useful, because users can mark messages unread."

“Photo Memories” functions like a snippet of the news feed that culls content from months ago instead of days. The feature displays a photograph, its caption (or the album title if there is no caption), when it was added, the name of a friend tagged in the photo, and how many additional friends are tagged in the photo."

The reasoning behind using photos both current and from any amount of time in the past is because this is "how people decorate their homes; with the best photos and paintings, not just the most recent, Facebook is acknowledging that certain content is timeless."

Very true. Facebook is going to be around a long time, I personally can not fathom is going anywhere unless something better is created. Facebook continues to use trial and error and regardless of people complaining when a change is made, they all adapt and continue to use the website 9/10 times.

Check out this article for more info !

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