Thursday, April 1, 2010

Video Games Have Reached the NEXT Level...

So studies were done, conclusions were drawn, and we saw the relation between kids and teens playing video games and then acting out in their actual lives. Games like Grand Theft Auto and God of War both encompass extreme fighting with the goal of the game ranging from stealing cars, fighting people, to driving prostitutes around. The question still remains and probably always will, does this have an impact on the players to feel actions such as these are actually ok, in real life.

Well, apparently other cultures take it another step further... Taxiing prostitutes, using multitudes of guns, fighting and killing other people isn't enough.
Recently brought to the attention of the people in the US, highlighted by CNN, was a game called "RapeLay" (link is google's search results for "Rapelay," not actual game). It comes from Japan and it's a game where the player can grope a teenage girl standing on a train platform. Further, the player can assault her and her sister, rape them, and then urge her to have an abortion if she is impregnated. This is insane
Fighting monsters, even shooting other people is one extreme... this is entirely another. First off, a gun is not that easy to attain. If a kid has one in their house that belongs to one of their parents, hopefully, they have been taught and lectured the importance of safety around the gun as well as not even being allowed to look at it except for emergency circumstances. Raping does not (primarily) involve other materials such as a gun or weapon. This game is created around raping girls. You don't need weapons or any other thing aside from yourself to rape a person... Therefore, this is a bit more feasible to happen then the occurrences played in, for example, Grand Theft Auto.
I don't want to post nude girls on my blog but if you Google "Rapelay" you won't believe your eyes on what is acceptable in these video games... (Pictures of the game)

Australia apparently just passed some new laws about what is allowed on their Internet service. Certain websites are now legally banned from what users can see and look up online. Is this the way to go? Does the government have to get involved in our freedoms to control the absurdity of something like this? Hopefully here people will know enough between right and wrong and we won't need the government to step in.
Then again though, this is bringing conflict for many people. Lots of women activists are standing up against this game. But if Japan has always created games like this and it increases the flow of their markets, is it really fair for us to force a negative impact on them? (Personally yes i think so. I don't think this is necessary to be broadcast for people to see online, its messed up... At the same time though, I don't think the US should step on Japan's toes and force them to regulate their games closer either. But these games are a bit extreme...)
Check out this article-CNN


  1. I completely agree with you. It is hard in a situation like this to decide whose job it is to police, government, parents, society in general? I also found in very interesting the point you brought up about how in fighting video games there is the use of guns and other weapons but in Rapelay they don't need any of that. In my opinion this world is screwed up enough, people commit crimes like this on their own it doesn't need to be promoted.

  2. Sign me up.....I wanna rape girls, just because I can't in real life!
